Sunday, January 24, 2016


In 1955 on February 12th Dwight D. Eisenhower, General and President sent the first U. Military advisors to train South Vietnamese army. On July 8,  two men were killed at Bienhoa.. the first servicemen to die in  the Vietnam era. On December 20, 1960 Hanoi forms the National Liberation Front for South Vietnam which South calls Viet Cong. On February 6, 1962 U.S. Advisors are increased from 700 to 12,000 . MACV as we know it.

Just 3 weeks before Kennedy was assassinated  Diem and Nhu were assassinated. The Vietnam war is on. The year is 1963. Within 2 years U.S. troop strength reaches almost 200,000. By the end of 1966 the count is nearly 400,000. As my year winded down in 1967 troop strength soars to 500,000.

It was The United States of Vietnam. I saw the support side of the war. Jim Waz and Frank Tencza.. a much different story.

Who do you blame? The Presidents? The Geneals? The Military-Industrial Complex?

 Agent Orange baby killers. This pisses me off.

Monuments grace our lands.. many are lasting memorials who died. The whole bunch of them have/had an ulterior motive: money.

From 540,000 troops at the end to 140,000 in 1971 Vietnam, just couldn't go away...

The poor Vietnamese were vulnerable, through and through. I saw Mama Sans and Papa Sans abused by U.S. troops. Yankee Imperialism only to learn what Ho Chi Minh pleaded "Just Leave Us Alone!"

In 1999 I returned to Ho Chi Minh City and Vung Tau for 9 days. The country has scars of Communism indelibly etched on its soul. I was told "All jobs ae controlled by the Communists. From seeing Premier Key alight from his plane at the Vung Tau Airport to observing THE WALL..Vietnam memories and the war never go away... and my mother cried and cried and cried.

When I landed at Logan on February 15, 1968 we all cried...and our tears turned into laughter......

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