Wednesday, January 13, 2016


In this age of a quick buck at any and all costs, now in the depths of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere might be a good time to do a little soul searching. Is our integrity alive? How deep is your honesty? Are you humble or proud? Do you "work at things" or are you greedy? Are you chasing dollars or making sense? I raise these questions for "Birds of a feather flock together." Right?

Do you eat crow or relish in caviar? Are you rich, middle-class, or on food Stamps? I am portly.. what are you on life's scale? Is your character flawed or do you live  life the straight and narrow? Yes, these may be perceived in different ways. As the Bible says a wink connotes looking the other way. Most crooks end up in jail. I am appalled at the legal and court findings of big business.. Millions of dollars in fines. One word describes why: dishonesty!

Do you "cook the books "or do you read them? How loyal are you to the American flag? Can you tell when someone is telling you a lie. "Lying with a straight face" "Lyin Eyes.".. well, we have all told WHITE LIES! President Jimmy Carter's mom Lillian even admitted to telling a fib. What did William Shakespeare say of all lawyers? LOL.

And the beat goes on. From generation to generation we want the best for our children. As we blogged in the past" Children Learn What The Live". As one wise man once quipped"'Honesty is the only policy." Or is it? The truth shall set you free... or Live Free or Die. I can't help but think of the impoverished everywhere. So what are we going to do about poverty? Nobody seems to have any solutions...nobody... nobody. The rich get richer and the poor still have babies.

I am a limousine liberal with a  fierce streak of Independence. Yes, I give a damn about my fellow man. I have been rich and I have been poor.. either way suits me fine. As Galbraith once wrote me "I feel bad for the millions who are not living the American Dream.".Me too!

In this self-propelled thing called life and living.. just how honest are you? Has morality died on life's vine or do we have faith and confidence in things? Simply stated I don't have an answer. I do know I try always "to do my best."

No ice cream for me in the past week. Cocoa maybe. Keep warm, folks.

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