Wednesday, January 6, 2016


 So what type of estate planning do you have? As an auctioneer I have worked in matters of probate for 40 years. My experiences are many and I am delighted to be around to be the best blogger in the Brookfields. And now, with the new year, I take to heart the future lives of children and grand children. Don't have a will? It's like running around with your head cut off. I have learned some folks have water-tight plans for kids. Some are positive... as few negative. To do nothing is downright stupid.

Giving should be part of being a grand-parent...But make sure you are earmarking security. Today's New York Times covers the new car sales for 2015." Cheaper gas and easy credit" fanned the flames of desire. Been there done that. In December new car sales were at 1,64 million units.

.a 9 percent increase over the previous year. The experts "are projecting 17.8 million vehicles to be sold in  2016. I thing the sure is more bells and whistled.

In visiting with Holbrook Brothers about cars and life in general Bobby and Richie are the deans of auto repair as are the Fullers in Auburn. New cars and trucks are like the Titanic. A fender-bender will sober you to the realities of vehicle ownership. Old car...problems.. but in this throw-away society, at any one time I am ready to hold funeral services for my silver 2003 Pontiac Grand AM with 175,500 miles. My goal is to hit 200,000 miles. Perception wise, my silver car is deceiving in age and appearance..

Speaking of silver I made two purchases today for the month: 17 Kennedy Half Dollars 90% 1964 and some type coins and a holder for Twentieth-Century types. I Know my Lilly-Belle will like these for her birthday next month. We must instill history in the menus of these kids life. Who ever thought of a "cordless mouse?" How about a driverless automobile?

I am signing up with SHELL after I complete this blog entry. Cheap gas can be dangerous. I have evidence when it was $3.85 a gallon. The Middle-East remains being a time bomb .IO am surprised the prices of gold and silver haven't "popped." In January of 1980 I remember Ed Burger on WSRS saying the price of gold jumped $100  in Hong Kongin one day. Are the safe havens of gold and silver save for your investing dollars? Maybe you should get a bundle of bucks and hide them in your mattress? LOL..

People "weaken" when they are tempted. Son Ben showed this when The Eagles came to The Centrum a few years back. Ben paid big bucks for a 6th row seat . Yes it was worth it. Long-lasting memories don't come cheap. I know as I paid $500 to walk through the doors of Carley Simon's Vineyard Estate. Hey.. easy come easy go.

Poverty mentality and worry are for sissies. You hesitate, you lose. Go for the gold, I say. I went for the gold and lost 15 16k units. No worry today about gold crowns and onlays.

S, the bottom line to it all is, as usual, have desert first and eat more fish. There's a great little fish shop and butcher in the center of Paxton. Land & Sea Market 10 West St. PAX... The best.. James Laingor & Rick Ascrizzi.. good men.. Flounder, haddock and the like. Take a ride and enjoy their chowder. I did. It's great. Right now it's SETON  HALL and VILLANOVA...on Fox... a bad ending Seton Fall!

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