Friday, January 15, 2016


I trapesed to the Southbridge/Sturbridge gasoline market and witnesses further declines in prices. With a near empty tank you can save a bundle on a fill-up. I did. My gallivanting as a seasoned blogger has me covering my territory as if it were 1971 again. I was driving my black Malibu as if I owned it. It was a lease from Peterson, Howell and Heather of Baltimore. The price of petrol hovered around 29.9 cents a gallon. In a year it doubled to 60 cents a gallon. The price of houses were around 30 K.

 Throughout my life I have tried to keep abreast of things. As one of my instructors admonished "Observe." You must know what's going on. How about you? The Internet feeds me a full plate of

just about everything. except for my "refined denture diet" a sure way to keep my kilos in check. You must try to stay healthy... the heck with wealth.

My mission has been transmissions lately. Tonight I further watched A & E on YouTube on the man of the hour: Henry Ford! He had a better idea alright. Back in 1905 Ford Motor Company was swamped with orders. "Cars for the masses." I know this as my Great Great Grandfather Paul Wine sported around Wine Village in a Model T touring car. In the winter months he probably put the car up on blocks. This was a common practice to even in my youth when folks "retired their Fords" for the winter.The last Model "A" I recall seeing in North Brookfield, Mass was Old Thomas Nevin's  Model "A" of Alleluia Acres fame. My Buddy and Vietnam veteran, Lowell V. Arms and Johnny Ryback drove Fords while in high school in the Fifties.. The Ford V-8 catapulted Henry Ford back to his genius statue. The Depression really rocked our nation. Where are we going today? OMG.

"Fear knocked on the one was there!" I have faith in my Country. We are mighty, have wonderful colleges and universities and keep up with the times...and, yes The New York Times. Eisenhower's "Military Industrial Complex" assures us of work. In World War II the Ford Motor Company manufactured B-24s with "Rosie." My dad worked for H.H. Brown making shoes for the Russians! Many folks form Spencer and the Brookfields worked their lives in shoe shops.

But that was then. Bob Pillsbury gave me a souvenir today: a wingnut. and now I can put the screws to wise guys like Old Johnny Cash espoused LOL. I tell people 'I'm not a wingnut. and indeed .. not me. I delight in the "present moment and leave all my worries out to dry. You must enjoy life to get the most MPG..

In Southbridge the spread on today's prices was $1.71 to $1.79. In the Brookfields I witnessed some prices bouncing off of $2.00 a gallon. The Petro-Max pumper in Soutbridge told me her boss said in May prices will spike.. just in time for our vacations. I'll get a read from Son Ben in Belmont, NC. You know prices may vary considerable.. Honolulu. .LOL.As a teenager-in-love I saw $.15.9. of course that was in 1959. In Wyoming in 1999 I saw $1.09. Now I see my lights have been dimmer for the main event: sleep! Nytol.

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