Thursday, November 30, 2017


Changing times indeed! I was educated by the Sisters of Saint Joseph and the Jesuits of the Missouri Province at Saint Louis University. My parents and grandparents were devout Roman Catholic. We didn't steal or carouse. We made do with what we had  and may have been happier than the affluent?

Today's Media play is obnoxious. Young minds look at this shit and think it's OKAY.People are fighting incompatible marriages, striving to outrank others, drive a BMW or Audi thinking this will end up in a happier life. WRONG! It is the blind leading the blind.

Corporate America is usurping the American entrepreneurial spirit. Small Businesses struggle to met payroll. They seem to turn a deaf eye and ear to the cry of the poor and homeless. Many have a negative attitude thinking their persuasions are truth. NO. I know as I too was homeless in 2001-2002 living in the Veterans Shelter in Boston at Court Street. I am not cuckoo.

Jobs in these changing times are redefining the complete picture of employment. I had 4 jobs in my attempt to "RE TOOL" my life. Guess what.. I had 4 jobs..ALL CUSTODIAL and was fired by a Vermont principal because I accused him of "not caring."

The caveat to folks who are computer illiterate will blindfold them and put them on their knew. Further the gambling in Massachusetts, in particular falsely advertises "You to Can Be A Millionaire." Google LESLIE STAHL on her take on the Casinos in CT. VERITAS.

The lives of the "straight and narrow" are quite rewarding. Some wealthy people abuse their comfort. Snobs, condescending social views, and arrogance permeat the Upper Class at the expense of the Middle Class and Lower Class.

Black Friday is a terrific example of Corporate Greed and it is Mexcio and the Orient of flooding our existence with STUFF.

I wrote John Kenneth Galbaith somewhere 1990 about my observations of America being GLUTTED with material goods. He responded saying he "was concerned with the poor in South Boston who were not enjoying the American prosperity.

As an Estate Auctioneer I am on the firing line constantly. I observe and I make mental notes. It is sad. Some businesses may be in denial. Even BIG names like Sears seem to be on the ropes. Inflation is insidious. All this crap offered by Dollar General will not make one happy. The "more" concept will come back to haunt consumers.

As Wes Weslowski said to me "Less is more and More is less." Clearly America is going to hell in a hand basket. Wise consumers frequent the Salvation Army and the Charlton  Flea Market. Being acquisitive will be anathema.

Try losing 10-20 pounds or even 50 or a hundred. Shed tobacco or die with a cigarette in your mouth.
"I'm going to die of something, anyway is pure unadulterated  bullshit. Once again, Bbig Tobacco and Tobacco Lobby and $15 a pack at the casinos sucks. The government thinks it's okay to charge more on The Mass Pike! Thieves. Hundreds travel to 'User-friendly" New Hampshire.

All in all I have a crystal ball and you are not going to like my prognostication. The Fat Lady is so fat.. SHE NO LONGER CAN SING!

"Hate your next door but don't forget to say grace" Barry McGuire.

Yours very truly

Robert Louis Potvin
Blogger and Auctioneer Par Excellance
Box 11
West Brookfield, Massachusetts 01585 Anytime

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