Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Attending a public school in a new school was special for me. I was a freshman and not too fresh in my new attire of Wranglers. And, yes, I rebelled a bit having been "let go by the Sisters of Saint Joseph.We now had metal lockers and I "lobbied" to get #1. I can still hear the banging of the metal doors.

Our Principal, Martin D. Leach, was my kind of principal. He would snap his hands commanding attention and was a story  teller in his Problems of Democracy class.The new PA system allowed him a commanding role as our leader.George Dahlquist taught science and Mr. Sawicki U.S. History. "Home Ec' was new for the girls dn FFA was limited to farmers. I felt left out not being able to take "Shop" as Dad built houses. Instead I took Latin and French. Stanley H. Kuniholm seemed a bit  strange.Stanley Porter was Coach until Mr. Leach relieved him of his post. Larry Boyd came in as a professional and used the term Meatball to bring his point home.

Connie Richardson.."Madame" was the best. brilliant in every regard, I got to be Connie's student later in life in my antiques. Connie worked at the OSV Clock Museum. Back then we walked to school. Sister Jan would drive my 1933 Chevrolet to school until I was of age.

Robert Couture was music teacher. I would transport kids from St. Joseph's for music on stage. Stackow and I attempted to play the Tuba and Snare Drums to no avail.I even took violin lessons from Mr. C. All I ememver is EADG!

Eugene Wyman was a character as custodian. He had perfected the vocal sound of a train! Remember? How about Mrs. Muppet? Johnny Ryback named Anne Carey Murphy.. the lady  who said to me years later "I never gave out many 'A's.! Emile Boucher seemed to be a pushover compared to Murphy.

The North Brookfield High School of 1956 cost the whopping amount of $600,000! It was the McNulty Farm that gave the Town all of the land for multiple use.

Today, a new school sits where he old one was. The new school gives the appearance of an Academy! Growing up in a small town was fun and to see my grandchildren follow suit rings my chimes. And yes, I was he scorekeeper  for Mr. Leach and Mr. Boyd as I could never hit the broad side of a barn door. I did, however obtain civic honors as a Boys State Delegate and the American Legion Good Citizen Award!

So many years have passed.. like 60. Thank God I'm A Country Boy!

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