Monday, November 21, 2016


The untimely and premature death of John Kennedy, 35th President  of the United States, is a wound that never heals! Fifty-three years later, to me, Dallas was like it was yesterday. Nobody has really laid out the truth of the day  November 22, 1963.

"The mystery of the moment" remains unsolved!  If Oswald acted alone... the key question is WHY? The assassin's trail is formidable... from being a Marine and Sharpshooter to going to Russia and finding a wife. His life is truly bizarre.... yet his ideas seem grandiose. For Oswald to be the sequel of John Wilkes Booth assassin to Abraham Lincoln, both men rose to infamy.

It seems my America has never changed!

Hate mongers persist. Presidents like Lincoln and JFK attempted to right the wrong in our social structure. Our nonagenarian former president Jimmy Carter of peanut fame says ""The sad duty of politics is to establish justice in a sinful world."

As far as the conspiracy theory goes... 53 years later...nobody has yet to reveal the entire truth on why we lost our President to gunfire? Maybe we never will? Harry Truman, President said "The truth never fell dead in the street!"

Please give pause tomorrow to those horrific moments in Dallas, November 22, 1963 when Every American's heart bled and continues in a moment when we really need another Kennedy with a beautiful and intelligent wife Jacqueline Bouvier....

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