Thursday, November 24, 2016


My French-Canadian-American roots were entrenched in a small cottage on Brooks Pond 100 years ago. Most of the Canucks spoke French. Their acculturation to the American way of life took decades. Very large families and stern pastors exhorted "Why aren't you pregnant?" THE POWER OF THE CRADLE!

Brooks Pond and it's chalets is in a romantic setting.. half in North Brookfield... half in Spencer. The locals were invaded by the "Old Money of Worcester." How do I know? I used to deliver groceries to Miles Morgan and the Washburns! Some of the wealth was stored in Mechanics Bank.

My friend and mentor F. James McCarthy had worked for LaBelle's Food Centre, North Brookfield from 1929 to its closing in 1960.It was sad as the bodd died at age 39 from a heart attack. The Irish, in their gift to gab traits trained me accordingly.Earlier I endured 8 years of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.

The parking lots on Brooks Pond's shores saw many romances, maybe end up in marriage? LOL. The saddest day in the history of "The Pond" came in the Fall of 1960. A classmate and her boyfriend dies from carbon monoxide poisoning...The "Silent Killer."

Swimming lessons  were given on the Spencer side of Brooks Pond's shore. Mrs. Teddy Fullam was one of the instructors. On the North Brookfield side I swam the dog paddle and sustained a cut on my right sole as a result of a sharp stone.

"Cousin Kizzle" used to wheel his mother's new 1958 two-tone tan Impala. My cousin put the poor car to the test. "Noreasters" was the name of the hot rod club. The cast aluminum plaque dangled from Mrs. Kizzle's Chevrolet.

Today, there are many prestigious  properties snuggled near the shoes. Essentially, Brooks Pond is a secret! They say the Worcester barristers crafted deeds where the "land under Brook's Pond" is theirs!Don't quote me on that issue.

The bottom line to Brooks Pond real estate is that it is delight..visiting or owning!

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