Friday, September 28, 2018


My total Fenway experience tonight was wonderful! In taking 150 pictures on my trusty NIKON D-40 I've documented a moment in time.. a moment emblazoned on my soul!

The New York Yankees trounced our beloved Red what . The game of life entails much more than the prescribed nine innings. Nearly 40,000 fans milled all around Fenway devouring sweet sausages, a cold Budweiser and attendant souvenirs.

It took me more than an hour to ambulate down Yawkey Way evoking memories  dating back to 1952. I sought to be credentialed but wasn't successful so  paid $93 for a grandstand seat! From my front-row perch on the third base side I delighted in having fun with some New York fans sipping their Budweisers. As a non-drinker I became intoxicated with friendly banter. People laughed and forgot all about their troubles.

The 37,000+ fans cheered for outs and gasped at the 7 home Runs cout by the Bronx Bombers. Here came the judge #99. His imposing stature was like a present day TED WILLIAMS.

As a guest of Tammy and Josh K. old "Pot-Nut" was in rare form. Scalpers sensed I needed a ticket and I resisted. As game time approached their demand lowered to face value. Still, being a man of principle, I did not acquiesce.  Paying full price gave me a certain dignity as I got my $90+ invested in one ticket by mixing with humanity.

Baseball fans came from NYC as well from Canadian Provinces! Fat and skinny fans were at their finest and truly polarized. 'Yankees Suck' echoed across the manicures turf. There wasn't one unhappy person in the house.

The Grand Slam erupted like Mount Saint Helens. Never have I heard more adulation that cheering crowd.. all on their feet.( I didn't realize it was a "slammer" until after the clout! Amazing grace personified.

A Yankee employee went out of his way to obtain press credentials for me. "Come back tomorrow sir.. I think I can help you!" stated BEN.

Tammy and Josh went their separate ways upon parking the spiffy new white Honda for $45.00. I was in my glory, Glory, as I scoped out every thing and every body! I now have documentation of what a Friday night game at Fenway really is:

pure happiness.


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