Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Today's New York Times has an article on losing some weight. The essence of the story lies in losing as little as 5% of their body weight. I used to weight 202 lbs. and this winter I've dropped to about 192lbs. Now the secret is keeping the weight at bay. By doing so we reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The reality is I already suffer from Diabetes Myelitis.

I have been eating more oranges on a daily basis. I don't exercise enough but I do exercise my brain from time to time.

Primary Day has been wonderful in Massachusetts. I worked the polls for over four hours. It is wonderful seeing our democracy in action. How can we lose as a society if we do the right thing. Politics is dirty but if you exercise your sacred franchise how can you go wrong?

The turnout seemed above average in every respect Folks from all ages showed up. I will give final figures after 8 tonight.

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