Monday, March 7, 2016


I had just parked my silver Grand AM at Westborough on the Mass Pike  when I heard two bearded me real go at it. Venom flowed from their mouths like there was no tomorrow. "What in hell is going on" I thought. First the accusations referred to each other's driving habits. Then the referrals hit below the belt to references on their sex organs.

Next, these 2 "boys to men" went head to head like the Late Earl Weaver was debating a call to Umpire Ron Luciano. FIRE, man. The din of this duo carried into the mid-afternoon daylight. Boy, do truckers have tempers... but no fisticuffs. They argued back and forth as if it were a movie. Good acting, for sure. Then their trucks were fired up and they were on their way.

Earlier in the day I got slammed with another Winter light bill. Not as bad as last month's of $328.95. Today's bill was $229.02. I think I'm doing something right! I'm not in the dark and try to be much more attentive to conservation. Mr. Edison pointed out my wasting of juice and I have responded.$100 less.. " go figure." LOL. Johnson's winnings paid the bill. Thanks Dick.

Then the Cable bill came in. Enuf!

I am thrilled with current pageviews on my blog.278 hits yesterday.. 214 so far today.

Had my blood drawn and a yellow blinking light in my veins necessitates me returning in a month or so. I don't worry as Dr. Dey is the commander. As usual we spoke politics not medicine. This doctor-friend guy hails from Bangladesh by way of England and other places. He has been my friend since 2003 and as a hematologist knows the score. "You look good, Bob. Lost some weight?" LOL

The pharmacy was off kilter today. That's all right as they are batting .999. It was I
 and out and I had the enjoyment of young "Lady Ga-ga and Faye Raftery, my red-headed partner in wit. Why not? As Jimmy D. sings 'Make Someone Happy." I just devoured two smoked sausages smothered in fine maple syrup. This made me happy. Now, an old fashioned nap!

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