Monday, March 28, 2016


In 1948, the presidential election saw a miracle of sorts. President Harry S. Truman won in an upset victory over Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York. Dewey was articulate in every sense from persona to his speeches but Truman outfoxed him by having sapient speech writers customizing his messages from town to town.

Harry Truman was a little guy my size. He was a bankrupt haberdasher from Missouri and got a break from county boss Tom Prendergast... a corrupt politician having served time in the Kansas City system. Tom favored Truman and saw him onto victory as a Senator.

Truman married Bess Wallace, a lady of means, and saw the couple and daughter Margaret move to Washington. It was wartime. Mr. Truman was a veteran of World War 1 as a Captain so he knew the military ropes. FDR chose HST to be his running mate in 1944. The two were not compatible yet made an attractive ticket for the Democratic Party. Their opposition was Thomas E. Dewey.

Dewey lost the fight. Harry Truman, an unknown from Kansas City, MO. was born under a lucky star so if seems. Just weeks after being elected Vice President Roosevelt died making Harry Truman POTS. He moved into The White House and had to more out of it in due time as the Grand Piano fell through the floor!  Historic Blair House became his home.

President Truman was his own feisty self. Fiery and outspoken he earned the title of "Give 'em Hell, Harry!" The Truman style was folksy. He really was the first president to experience television. Newsreels at movie theaters brought news before addition to the printed word.

1948 saw President Truman at his best and at his worst with his relations with Congress and the Democratic Party. He seem doomed for a Democratic disaster. He persevered and rode his famed Whistle-stop express all over the 48 states. Harry S. Truman brought the truth to the citizens of Amercan. They believed him.

50 newspapers in America endorsed Thomas E. Dewey. All 50 newspapers were wrong! The pundits ate crow." DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN"  was the clarion of embarrassment. This news put a million dollar smile on the elected president's face.

No matter what, Truman was Truman. He battled Congress, and did moral justice by integrating the Armed Forces. Of course the Korean War angered many veterans home from WWII who were recalled for service. And then there was General Douglas McArthur's dismissal. Ole Harry didn't take any crap from anybody.

CNN's portrayal of President Truman's climb to the Highest Office mesmerizes my thoughts on the Presidency...The One, The Only, Harry S. Truman




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