Sunday, March 6, 2016


Eating properly  is no small order.  know as I am turning a new page at age 73. The first order of dietary wisdom is eating what appeals to you. Show junk food the door. It will take a certain discipline first by reading all of the food labels. Sugars are BAD NEWS. Food makers don't care I do believe... sodium to a lesser degree. As far as sugar goes SPLENDA is a 'No calorie sweetener."

I am modifying my diet by design. Citrus is at the head of my list. .fresh oranges, grapefruit, bananas, strawberries in particular. Collectively, these fruits love my digestive system. Prepared fruits are lesser in value. Always read the labels.Eat some cottage cheese!

Dentures be damned. I hate them. Strawberries in season and strawberry ice cream I love. The nutrition in V8 Vegetable and Splash Smoothies are nutritional. Potato chips are fattening. Why kill yourselves with bad food?

One thing I am noticing is the inordinate amount of food in my friends' refrigerators! why?  Is sit because the quickest way to your loved one's heart is through is through their stomachs? Losing 5 percent is easier than losing 10 percent according to a recent article in the Times. I think people buy much, much more food than necessary.

Animal fat is a big killer in human beings. I haven's had a piece of bacon in months. I rarely eat out except for Wendy's Yes, it is a battle to keep the kilos off. I weigh myself every morning, eat my share of peanut butter and eggs, three at a time.

So what's the answer? Moderation, some cheating, and some exercise. I do very little sodas as I know Coke will rust a nail. Imagine what it can do for your body. A sedentary life can be anathema to your well being. And yes, a water diet can be best of all...water from your taps. You don't need to pay a penny for Quaboag Spring Water!

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