Sunday, March 25, 2018


Disappointed and disenchanted!

In 1991 or thereabouts, the Naismith/Basketball Stamp had First Day Ceremonies downtown Springfield.   and upon leaving, I made an astute observation: All the heroes of the game were present and I, as both  a stamp dealer and auctioneer I  made some "First Day of Issue CANCELLATIONS. "As I was leaving, a teenage student who happened to be black, looked on from a distance. There weren't any blacks in attendance what so ever! Not Good!We raise good citizens by caring, educating them to the arts, etc.

Several weeks ago I returned to the Springfield Admissions looking for a book on ROLLS ROYCE. As I had the wonderful of working for and with maven Rolls teacher:  Frank Cooke of North Brookfield, MA my hometown. Mr. Cooke instructed me in all the nuances of Springfield Rolls Royce manufactured in In Springfield from 1921 -1931.Nice.

I wire brushed the chassis of a RR I traveled with him in Dec. of 1961 to Mount Vernon, NY to buy from  Sam Adelman. I even joined the Rolls Royce Owners Club for a year. I was in heaven. Going to St. Louis University, St Louis, MO I sought employment at Schmitt Rolls Royce unsuccessfully.

A couple of years ago,  I discovered the two Rolls Royce on display at this museum. The collection of Duryea and Indians are formidable and historic in every sense of the automobile from the get-go. . Further, I heard of Bishop Timothy O'Leary tooling up to St. Joseph Church, North Brookfield for my Dad's Confirmation about 1922 in a Rolls Royce.. I related this info to the SprinfieldMuseums librarian. Bingo! A tiny release found confirmed my lead somewhat in disbelief by the librarian" The parishioners of Springfield gave the good Bishop a Rolls Royce. GAVE him a car..a Springfield Made RR.  Right on Bishop!

Several years later I found a biography of ROLLS & ROYCE. I was excited With forethought I decided to donate the book to Springfield Museum where two ROLLS are on display. It was closed the day I was there so I gave it to the parking guard. A year later I got the book back. "There wasn't much in the book about Springfield!" Yea, right!! Even my 13 year old grandson knows what Rolls Royce implies. Maybe there two cars deserve some national Press? Give to the public what they want and they'll come!
When I was a boy of 5 Dad used to take me to the Princeton Auto Museum.
Later, I discovered the Museum of Antique Cars in Sturbridge! I steered Dad to a visit.

One statement made me cry. "Your Dad impressed me by not trying to impress me! The BIG problem with museum-types is they think 'their shit don't stink."Recently, while at Mass General Hospital, Mia-My-Love, a RN working in Brain Surgery said "EVERYBODY'S SHIT STINKS!"

If the Springfield Museums want to succeed and prosper in the world of Millennials, Homeless Veterans, the Poor, the Downtrodden, the Lonely Old, attitudes must be changed radically!

JFK would shit if he saw what transpired! I, too, was the The 100th Anniversary stamp ceremonies at Columbia Point. Big Shots and philatelists prevailed. I was interviewed by the Cape Cod Times recounting Election Day in 1960. In North Brookfield I was asked to "Pick up the Nuns in the Limousine.. and I did. I was 18. The nuns were ebullient.

Before all of eyenesses to the JFK Legacy.."You better wake up D'Amours should take the lead with school kids all around the Commonwealth! I have taken groups to the Quabbin and to Kennedy Museum and Library. Apathy and bad attitudes reek as the poor eat the crumbs of prosperity. I addressed  this issue with John Kenneth Galbraith 20 years ago. "Are we over consumed?," I asked. Ernie Bock, Jr, owns 11 Rolls Royce

I have seen it in all of my travels..from Honk Kong to Australia 3 times and Vietnam twice. THE RICH ARE GREEDY. I have seen it for years in my professional auctioneering travels.

I learned much form observing behavioral traits. The responsibility of ALL Americans is to give a damn about their fellow man! Put a little love in your hearts. And you wonder why obesity is epidemic? I know as I see it in the trenches. CORPORATE AMERICA  SUCKS.  

 Fifteen dollars an hour is absolutely not ,unreasonable. I know this as I ask the workers at DOLLAR GENERAL, WALMART AND THE LIKE. The rich get richer as big Tobacco and big Government. Casinos suck in gamblers as I know. For the past 5 years my "Crazy Buddy" "Johnson" and I go to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun most every Saturday. He gambles; I observe.

Further, my advising friends state" more money comes in on scratch ticket sales  than in tobacco sales. "YOU TOO CAN BE A MILLIONAIRE." Bull shit. PT Barnum said it best "There's a sucker born every minute, regardless." The Poor drive the worst cars, have the worst teeth, eat candy bars for breakfast with a coke... I think Average Americans are oblivious to the truth. Not me. I have been homeless.

If anything my MISSION will be getting every HOMELESS PERSON off the  Massachusetts streets. Your thwarted views of your fellow man imply YOU have the problem not those panhandling.

Today I went to St. Michaels Cathedral in Springfield with my "Irish Shelally , John B. O'Sullivan. We carried the "Gifts up the altar".: I carried the wine. Maybe 150 in attendance. This Gothic reproduction really goes with Bishop O'Leary's Rolls Royce.  Eventually this monstrosity of an edifice will come tumbling down. My thoughts are it would make a fine museum.

As I left I noticed a bill advertising a trip to Poland. $4,000. The Pope says "Remember the POOR. OK Google." America is upside down..

I want my kids and grandkids to be aware of the truth.

I will go to Smith& Wesson and learn as opposed to criticizing blindly.

A month ago I read with interest about 'JACK & JACKIE' the White Hours -1961-1963- display from the Smithsonian.Terrific.  I was credentialed to review the display for this blog entry. As a seasoned Auctioneer-Appraiser- enthusiast in OLD COINS, STAMPS OF THE US, POCKET WATCHES, NEW ENGLAND TALL CLOCKS  and autographs I felt I had made new friends in the things that I love and deal with. I began donating stuff.. particularly of JFK AND Jackie.

Two years ago, I purchased the entire political memorabilia collection from  the Estate of Francis T. "RED" Lee. For two years I mused on what to do with everything. I sought $500 for about 60 Lots. All vintage of the Kennedy/Johnson Era.

Having presented the listing to museum personnel I laid back and thought "this is the best possible home for future generations to see.

 A couple of days ago I decided I would give the entire collection to Springfield Museums. With the convictions that a little fun would be in order I envisioned a Fundraiser following the speech of Congressman "Richie" Neal.) To me it was a no-brainer...Donating, then auctioning off to the crowd "To the Highest Bidders!" Nothing in it for me except for the fact
I began auctioning, for benefit, at St. Mary's Parish, Scituate, for 10 years!

My auctioning endeavors in charity caught on. About 1984 I did a Fund-Raiser for Old Sturbridge Village and  raided over $4,000 for their Research Libray Etta Faulkner and Peter Dirlam were in charge.

Later I began calling benefit auctions for ROTARY, 4-H, many I can't recall today. In 1992 my article was published in the July Issue of The Rotarian Magazine and earned $300.00 My story is very plausible because I am honest, professionally trained at Missouti Auction School, Kansas City,MO. Six years later I attended the Certified Auctioneers Institute at IU Bloomington.

Shawmut Springfield and Worcester provided me with "Estate Auctions"  I even did a benefit auction for The Children Friend Society in Worcester.

So, to the point, My Vietnam Brother and I went to the Front Desk and was referred to security  after being told my Public Relations at the museum was not to be found. But I don't give up yet, as fate would have it "Johnny O" and I walked to the amphitheater to observe Mr. Neals presentation on JFK. The audio visual Power-Point presentation normal.

Congressman Neal read a prepared speech to his loyal crowd of supporters. I didn't feel, necessarily, the speech was that good. Why? I bleed Kennedy  and have when I came to Springfield to Tom O'Connor's Office and got a JFK poster.


I can fully understand why Millennials don't appreciate U.S. History.
When I was a boy The Good Sisters of Saint Joseph gave us little books featuring famous Americans . I have one featuring the colored image of  Thomas Edison! In showing the booklet and covering up his name Doctor Seuss is recognized instantanly.  NO BODY IN MY SAMPLING TAKEN KNEW WHO EDISON WAS! And you wonder why America is what it is.

My Campaign for the United States Senate -Massachusetts - in obtaining 10,000 "autographs" on my Republican Nomination papers has begun.

I WILL NOT ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY ANY DONATIONS; I am  going to ALL the voters across the State. I will not grant any interviews  UNTIL   the name ROBERT LOUIS POTVIN in the Primary Run-off. Some say "you're too old"..etc. IN THE WORDS OF CANADIAN MINISTER

JUST WATCH ME! For those who seek the truth about The Saint Albans Messenger ,Vermont, for a two issue special...To the Brink and Back!" and my 23 page booklet..'ONE LUCKY VIETNAM SOLDIER'

When SUPERMAN Lunch Boxes sell for $18,000 and Felix The Cat is the best selling clock  somebody must tacke t
he wheel from

BOX 11
West Brookfield, MA 01585

Absolutely Asinine to pay $18,000
for a lunch box.
#1 Clock sold today!
And then there's
the Vietnam Veterans.. and Homeless

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