Friday, March 2, 2018


My gamble is paying off in  not spending any money today! Instead my energies have continued in organizing. For the better part of two hours I spent time in my in "Television Heaven" in my garage. I counted over 100 necrotic Remote Controls not to mention the 30 something Flat Screen repairable televisions and motherboards looking for a new home. Interested? I shall give Tom's Electronics in Palmer next week.

I delight in making "order out of chaos" as it is giving me a new view of my reality. As for the storm of the century... the Coast is taking the brunt of it. Winds of 83 mph were experienced. Here in the Brookfields the winds picked up to maybe Gale Force( 39 mph) by 2:00 PM. The leafless tree branches were swaying like a Hawaiian hula dancer. Temperatures have remained above freezing all day. Currently at 5:51 it's38 degrees. The "non-shove able" liquid is a blessing in disguise.

My endeavors continue in making up proposals in my Training Resource offerings plus my auction enterprise. A new season is around the corner.

The lugubrious news precipitated by another W.B. tragedy brought a phone call from Natick. College friend and brother, PAUL V> POWER and I chatted for 31 minutes. It was a timely re-connection of our days in Saint Louis 55 years ago. "Power" worked his entire life on Beacon Hill. Paul has been a trusting friend and confidante since 1963.I even got Paul a job with Aetna as a claim rep early on. A visit to Paul will be coming up soon.

"Money is like Jello" I tell Ben and Josh. Today I didn't spend a dime. With a budget of $20 a day spending cash.. "a penny saved is a penny earned."

Watched "Lincoln" and Jefferson on YouTube today. Both men were brilliant-minded Presidents. I have traveled to Charlottesville, VA and Springfield, IL over the years. I continue to grow in my U.S. History campaign. TIME-LIFE has a marvelous library on "THE LIFE HISTORY of the UNITED STATES." SonJosh returned 8 volumes  and now I will go to THE QUABOAG BOOK SHOP and see if they have the remaining volumes. I think building a good library of U.S. History will keep me "young." Couple it with YouTube... a winning combination.

Tomorrow marks my 11th anniversary as your BLOGGER>..I really haven't faltered in my dedication to writing. I have recorded thousands of blog entries and plan on writing until "Hell Freezes Over" and then I'll ice skate over it.

Thanks for reading "BOB POTVIN!" My Tweets are much more "user-friendly" than you know who!

Respectfully submitted,

The man who once flunked typing at NBHS!
Box 11
West Brookfield, MA 01585

508-867-3360 Anytime

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