Saturday, October 22, 2016


Singer Ray Stevens sings it best: Everything is beautiful in its way!  Having just returned fROM a fantastic birthday party in West Brookfield I am heartened by my observations...50 people congregated in a home filled with LOVE!  seven months to seventy four I witnessed a happiness the world should know!

As a human I surround my life with family and friends.. that way I continue to feel fulfilled. Young people need the wisdom of is oldies and we need the forty-types for they, too will grow old like me some day.. The big difference seems to be the world we live in. So what's new? LOL. Our materialist lives.. our cars that have eyes in the back of their tails have catapulted us into a Disneyland on wheels. CArs are much safer but maybe we need another mental shampoo!

Basically our lives should have guardrails like the Eisenhower Turnpikes! We need safety belts for our mouths and maybe a clothespin on our tongues and blinders for our eyes. Some have diets of junk food and a beer chaser for desert...My team of forty-somethings are well disciplined and it shows for the most part. The song Climb Every Mountain means GROW UP, damn it. .. but never, never, never give up as old Winsstoon Churchill espoused.

Personally, I weighed in at 191 lbs as Johnson's Sierra picked me up. Our sojourn down 169 in Ct. And back is a carthasis. We can bear our lives to each other without fear of being heard.

Although I have been ambivalent about the Election, talking to certain mature people in their forties is not tilting my persuasions towards The Donald. The media has mincemeat of Trump. Talk about steely eyes! I wont go any further in this regard. As I said before THE SYSTEM WORKS, regardless.

Forget the Poor and you are dead. Forget the miserable rich with people looking for love in all the wrong places. Money does not buy happiness. There are too many ways of being thrifty, namely SALVATION ARMY STORES. These wonderful stores are "picked daily" by antique dealers and, bargain hunters, the poor and the rich! We are so overloaded in our personal possessions it isn't funny.

Tag sales are now free. Only smart minds will prevail. DON'T BE A SUCKER. HE NAME IS TUCKER!  Go ahead and drive your automobile another 50,000 miles! If it is paid for it is now paying you DIVIDENS So from pots and pans to POTVIN GOLD, THE BEAT GOES ON!  EVERYTHING IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL IN ITS OWN AND FOR GOD SAKES LOVE YOUR KIDS, HUG YOUR KIDS and spouses

Our work is truly cut out..DO IT!

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