Wednesday, February 22, 2017


One doesn't have to be an uncle to be avuncular! IF you are an uncle, the positive attributes are of kindness, genial and benevolent.

I had a ton of uncles (11) and 2 great uncles growing up in North Brookfield, Mass. Several of these men were returning soldiers from WWII and two did not have any children. I feel I was their surrogate little boy. My name was "Bobby!"

 Uncle Albert was my favorite. His brother Uncle Franny was a rock star achieving Valedictorian at North Brookfield High School in 1947. Albert was pensive in his doings and failed at marriage after five years. He worked at Quaboag Rubber then onto the Colonial Press in Clinton. Several years ago I received a phone call from a friend of Albert's in Florida!

My uncles were smart and they were good men.

While serving in Vietnam Uncle Albert proved to be a loyal pen pal. Insights from his time in Germany and the Panama eased my pain in Vung Tau. In retirement we reconnected and Albert became avuncular to my sons Ben and Josh.

In taking him to the Hartford Civic Center in 1980, Al and Ben and Josh witnessed Larry Bird sinking some 30 foot shots from the floor. My uncle also served as my auction clerk when I began. He would join us at the Worcester County Numismatic Society on Friday nights.

Sad to say Uncle Albert smoked 4 packs of Camels a day for 50 years. Lung cancer emaciated his soul and well being but his deathbed wisdom prevailed in my buying a shiny Orient Red Mercedes 240-D: 'Buy it if you may and take a second mortgage if you must... even a third mortgage BUT KEEP THEM GUESING! Albert was a prolific gambler, love horses, and was in the league of Kenny Rogers!

Uncle Albert would be 99 today. I miss his avuncular ways, indeed!

Uncle Milty

Great Uncle Silvieu

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