Thursday, December 21, 2017


Are you racing with the moon or are you a ghost rider in the sky? Vaughn Monroe's incredible baritone voice of the bygone era..of the forties truly delivered us from all evil or did it? My listening to our Am radio ..1250 AM call letters WRMS streamed  from its antenna on Coy Hill, a place Richard Johnson knows well!

Tonight I treated Old Bob to a fireside meal at Salems. The ambience of a fire gently burning, chowder in a cup and the main entre' of HADDOCK  was a $33.00 treat! "When a man dines alone, he merely eats; when I dine at Salem's it is always special.

Now to my sermon:

Survival in the advancing era of advancing technologies can lose you in the dust unless you change certain attitudes! Like it or not there's no REVERSE in our futures. Our cars, our trucks, our airplanes our everythings  are amazing.

Nanoseconds are all it takes to record transactions. Many of our lives are not tuned into the NOW. Worry and fear cloud dour brain like a cloudy day. But why? In my opinion it is because of the environment we choose. Sensationalism Sucks.No longer do I pollute my mind with FAKE NEWS, FAKE WEATHER, FAKE EVERYTHING. Yes the Rat Race is over...The Rats are winning.

I have replaced mdsy entire thought process with hard work and goodness. It works for me. Time waits for no man. Our FACEBOOK MINDS will be determined by our thoughts. "No Tickey...No Laundry.  By having patience and an OPEN MIND THE FUTURE WILL BE YOURS now!

lonely? TOUCH SOMEONE. I try to every day of my life!


Robert Louis Potvin

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