Monday, December 17, 2018


In a week we'll celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our first circling the moon! The World watched in awe. Astronauts Borman, Lovell and Anders fulfilled JFK's dream of the ages. Apollo 8 took "nearly 3 days to reach their destination..68 hours in fact." "The three Apollo Astronauts orbited the Moon 10 times over the course of 20 hours"

The massive Saturn V stood 363 feet high and was 33' in diameter. The astronauts proved to be America's finest. To think they were nestled up in a spaceship and had to eat, sleep and void their bladders in tiny spaces. They were weightless.

Last night on C-SPAN I watch with great interest of how things were in this historic journey. They were the first crew to launch a Saturn V. What amazed me when the interviewer pointed out these brave men.. Borman, Lovell and Anders are alive today!

Since that Christmas Eve reading from the Book of Genesis  on God creating man... etc. it is telling to these times. All of the initial discoveries  and then some keep transforming our lives. Just look around!Our SmartPhones hold more information that all of the computers did back in Houston. Many aspects of our lives continue to be transformed. Our lifestyles then were antique!

Where will we go from here? Stay tuned! Their spaceship landed in the Northern Pacific Ocean on December 17, 1968. Above details are from WIKIPEDIA.

P.S. Many Americans do not realize it was a German "Rocket Man," Werner Von Braun and 100 of his men were usurped from Hitler's Germany to live and work in the USA an rockets. Von Braun perfected the V-2 and lobbed over 3,000 on England and elsewhere in WWII!


The Trump-president wants to establish a Space Cabinet. I think it is a great idea!

BOX 11

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