Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Suppose if Oswald had missed his target?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was truly Presidential when he raised his right hand to take Oath of Office as president. America and the world cheered like no other Inauguration.

JFK was truly a man of the world. He knew the score.. from Adolph Hitler
to Fidel Castro. His youth and being of privilege, President Kennedy took charge of world affairs. The Peace Corps sent men to 3rd world countries. The 17,000 military advisors in Vietnam was a paltry sum compared to the 500,000 LBJ had sent thereafter.

America and Americans began to feel better with the Inauguration on January 20, 1961. Where were you on that wonderful day in history? I was 20 years old out plowing snows with Uncle Freddie in his yellow submarine.

From the get-go JFK was ready for action. One of his many visions was the Space Race. It is said Kennedy wanted to travel to Mars! His advisors slowed the president down and settled on going to the Moon! Space travel was new. Alan Shepard and John Glenn were astronauts who paved the way into the heavens. Satellites were our eyes in the sky.

JFK'S wife Jackie complimented her man like no other First Lady, then and now. Jackie was a class act. Her tour of the WHITE HOUSE opened the eyes of millions via television. She studied and loved American antiquity and expressed her emotions by doing what she did: a first class restoration. She spoke several languages.

For the first time since 1776 did we devour Kennedy, a Catholic. He overcame all odds to defeat "Tricky Dickie" in one of the closest presidential elections in all times.

The President's kids, too, captured the hearts of the world. Just think of what the assassination did to their minds and souls. I once shook  John Jr.s hand at Clark University, Worcester!

Every aspect of JFKs life was positive. He had the charm and curiosity that blossomed upon becoming president. His sense of humor was the best, unlike Trumps ongoing pejorative with his tweets.

Today, some 55 years later, on November 22 will we pause and say a prayer for the President. What if JFK lived?

Box 11
West Brookfield, MA

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