Sunday, November 11, 2018


Suddenly it's almost 2019! The memory of Saint Joseph School is fading with each year. I graduated from the 8th grade in 1956 with Sr. Agnes Claudia as my nun. Moving into the brand new NBHS was welcome as now I could wear dungarees! LOL.

Here is the history of the school on Mount Pleasant St, NB:

" The Sisters of Mercy of Albany, NY, withdrew from St. Joseph Parish, North Brookfield, MA after almost twenty years of devoted service (1888-1905). The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Springfield Diocese took over in 1905. The school continues until 1971!" From a letter to Sr. Geraldine Riley, Archivist of Sisters of Mercy, Albany NY.

The nuns I had were Sister Joseph Annette, Sister Mary George, Sister Mary Ephraim ( a bitch,) Sister Mary Lucina (Old Bag Hayes,) Sister Winifred Anna and others.

There were roaches in the urinals in the school's basement. I have a hand-bell like the one Sr. Lucina used each morning! Mr. Mimeault was the school's janitor. Father Hickey. Father Burns, Father Gatineau, and others appeared on the scene from time to time.

I would say the education received was equal to the public school.

"The Days of Our Youth were the days of our Glory. Glory!" LOL
Lord Byron

Bobby Potvin

1 comment:

  1. This photo bringing many memories from late 60s of my time there grades 1 through 5th
