Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Blood glucose 103

This Tuesday began bright and signs of another warm day but clouds set in.
I replenished my pill caddy which took about an hour. Once again I relied on news-television. I skip channels and compare. The highlight of the day came with a White House Roundtable featuring President Trump, his wife, VP Pense & wife and educators from all over the country.

Each person had a chance to express their feelings about when to re-open the school year OR delay it. The consensus was overwhelming to begin again AS USUAL. Each person speaking emphasized the importance of students interacting with fellow students, faculty members, etc. I agree. The burden of having parents teach their children and  hold a job, etc. is overwhelming! I see it with my own grandchildren and their parents!

Late in the day I went unto YouTube and logged onto PBS "LBJ" Part 1. I have watched this Lyndon B. Johnson special many times and always come away learning more about this president and his times.

SonJosh, Heidi, and kids are away overnight. No campfire tonight.

Received a call from the MRI office for a pre-MRI interview. My date is Thursday at 4:45 PM in Waltham.


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