Tuesday, March 5, 2019


This is late for me to write and I just wanted to say..this Tuesday was very good.  My visit to the VA General Practitioner went well. Dr. Sangay greeted me as an old friend and a smile. Her jet black hair and Indian roots always make for an interesting visit.IO like having doctors with various international backgrounds! Tomorrow I see the dermatologist.

The biggest part of my day was further discovery into the life of Justice Sonia Sotomayor. From the initial viewing on CSPAN to YouTube interviews I have found a mentor for yours truly! Think about it. At my age I look backwards for wisdom in in 'The Judge" I have found a lady whose philosophies of life and living mirror mine.

Her Puerto Rico heritage parallels my French-Canadian. Both minorities have melded into the American lexicon. Yes, it takes years for the acculturation to take hold. Being the first to attend college in a family can be a requirement.

I even got a couple of books at the WB library written by "Judge Sonia." I have sent copies to my 4 grand children-ladies to get it and know about a little girl who went onto bigger and better things: a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court!

America is in transformation and flux in many ways. Capitol Hill is revealing members of congress with cultural diversity. I'm certain Sonia's appointment raised the eyebrows of many Blue Bloods! Sorry folks.. this is America!

So if you want to learn more about Sonia Sotomayor, why not tune into some of the interviews found on YouTube!


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