Thursday, March 18, 2021


No checks in the mail! Hopefully my ship will come in tomorrow! The intrigue of the town's cutting down huge trees on main street reveals the talent of Jimmy Rust. Before they are through the posture of Main Street will be changed for 100 years. I wish Jim well. I did two trips on my white exercise bike .. 15 minutes each trip. I ache and I'm sore but I know it's necessary. My day was spent watching "specialty" You Tube including Huey Lewis and Don Henley and Billy Joel. The Joel-Henley program lasted over one hour and is very insightful to two talented song writers and musicians. Son Ben should watch the program! I cooked some sausuages for a meal.The cloudy day turned into rain and will snow ny midnight. We have one more lousy day then four sun ny ones in a row.THINK SPRING! ROBERT LOUIS POTVIN

1 comment:

  1. Bob even though you didn't file federal, like me, I did get it through my bank,(Pending) because I get direct deposit social security--check your account
