Wednesday, April 5, 2017


I once knew a coin collector named Walter. He was genuine and helpful to me in my coin auctions of yesteryear. Walter helped a widow liquidate her husband's vast numismatic holdings worth a lot of money. Well, certain things impress me in life. In Walter's case HIS LAMENT WAS "NOT EVEN A THANK YOU NOTE." The rich widow forgot about his valuable assistance!

Conversely I had a relative give me $300 in helping her handle her husbands estate. Then I received another $200. I questioned her generosity and my aunt responded "BECAUSE YOU CARED, BOBBY!"

"Thank you's" are never forgotten in life. Forget somebody's good will and you have made an enemy! THANK YOU NOTES ARE PART OF LIFE. Why not get a box and get caught up n saying Thanks?

Thank you for reading my BLOG! And thank you to Denise at the Sugden Library for helping me with my digital photography!

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