Wednesday, May 4, 2016


It is understandable Donald Trump didn't serve. The tumultuous sixties had us all running. I graduated from college in 1965 and I, too, didn't know what to do. I had more than a year to maneuver with my draft board, my job as an adjuster, and finally succumbing to conscription. Not so bad. USA  USA  USA.

I had some things in my favor: a bachelors degree. a good job and luck. The mood of America was sour. Some of my friends were draft dodgers.. few gung ho. It was "Mama" who set me straight . "Serve your Country, Bob." That endorsement, in itself, gave me excellent direction.

Many guys I know had bum knees, flat feet and maybe a streak of yellow going down their spines? Little did they know what it meant to be "standing tall." I didn't know either but I soon learned when I heard Sgt. Roy say"'get your head out of your asp."

True, military life isn't for everyone..."The few, the proud, the Marines." I came this close to becoming a Jarhead. Instead, after several attempts I "took the draft.".. I smelled defeat. Seriously, my one year, nine months and two days really polished my apple.

Donald Trump had military academy training. Berrigan poisoned millions of minds by burning Draft Cards. I wouldn't worry about it. Clinton is the quintessential draft dodger of all times.

As far as divorce goes... today we are imbued in a new world of 2016.. It is sad but true... the second time around...the third time around. What else is new?

I used to hold Reagan responsible for his divorce. Not today, Ronald Reagan was truly a class act.

I have seen half of the world at the expense of Uncle Sam. Better off today? I think so!

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