Friday, June 4, 2021


Blood glucose 110 - The day was good. After reading the New York Times in depth including the death notice of F.Lee Bailey and Coach Mike Krzewski I participated in taking the American Community Survey I pan-fried some steak for lunch.Coupled with pickled beets,gherkins and olives I took to WBZ for noon news. Then in the afternoon I logged onto YouTube looking for some goodies. I found CALVIN COOLIDGE. I have been attracted to our 30th President since a boy. I learned all of the Presidents by my collecting U.S. Postage stamps. I found a 30 minute feature covering Coolidge's life. I have traveled to Plymouth Notch, VT 3-4 times in my lifetime. I also interviewed John Coolidge while living in CT. LAter in the afternoon I drove the Allante' to Birch Hill. Josh was busy mowing so I came back home.Then he called asking me if were raining? It was downpouring at his home. I mmade it safely back and garaged the car in the garaage.. then it was dounpouring hefe for 10 minutes. Then he called me stating "I have a campfire going." I took the black Honda and returned.We are never short for words. The skies cleared. My day was above average! ROBERT LOUIS POTVIN

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