Tuesday, September 27, 2016


It was a rare breed of  learning U.S. History and talking about Connie Mack. How fortunate was I to sign up for a class by Father Faherty in the Fall of 1963 at St. Louis U. The man's erudite, crisp voice and knowledge catapulted me to the top of my studies. The guy was absolutely inspirational.

Early on, Father Faherty said in no uncertain terms ' YOU MUST HAVE A SENSE OF HISTORY'. If you don't you're a gonner. I had it and he knew it. We clicked! It was wonderful learning from this man and friend. I was his "A" student! He was so inspiring and in so many ways. His book "Moonport; A History of Apollo Launch Facilities.." was a gift to me along with several other books as I became an adult. He hit big selling "A WALL FOR SAN SABASTIAN" for movie rights with Anthony Quinn for $10,000!

 He was a prolific skier and hit the trails well into his eighties!

Father was a story teller. He just loved baseball and living in Saint Louis as a fan was the best.He had all of the statistics in his sixteen cylinder mind.He liked me and I him.

Father faherty once visited me at Birch Hill, West Brookfield. I recall taking him to Lunch at Historic Salem Cross Inn and later visiting me at Cape Canaveral! He exuded U S history in everything he said and did.

As an adult I got another "A" from father. In disbelief, one time he shook his head with joy.'"Your estate auctions, Bob, are truly amazing!" I had just completed Meribeth Cameron's sale at Mt. Holyoke College.I consulted with father and Professor Miller. It feels good to do the right thing and get paid for it!

Father Faherty lived to the very ripe old age of 96. How lucky to
have a professor at my side for so long. He's say 'God Bless,Bob' when he said goodbye. One in a million... that's for sure!

Some of Father Faherty's books:

1. Moon Launch
2. Gateway to the Moon
3. Florida's Space Coast
4. Parks College
5. Jesuit Roots of Mid-America
6. Better The Dream : St.Louis University
7. The Call of Pope Octavian
8. Living Alone
9.Dream By The River

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