Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 IT has been a 'Clockwork Tuesday' for me. I  started by transferring funds at the bank before going to vote. I slipped in the booth and good folks came to my aid.. I voted Democrat! Next it was getting the mail then came back to find a nice note from Josh. next it was taking inventory of my VA medications. I renewed three or four then called Que at the pharmacy for help. Did sit out in the hot September sunshine for 30 minutes. I decided to return to The Clam Box and found everything was in my favor. It was whole belly clams, French fries and a Diet Pepsi. Tonight the Sox are trailing the Mets 2-1 in the seventh inning. The Mets pitcher has struck out 11 Sox batters on his 29th birthday! Tomorrow it will be returning to Hannaford NB for a couple of necessities. Weatherwise the week is delightful.


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