Sunday, August 11, 2024


This Sunday was perfect with clear blue skies and a low humidity. After watching Joel Osteen for words of inspiration it was reviewing the Sunday New York Times my mind was up for baseball. It wasn't long before I decided 5-0 deficit was enough so I fired up the Allante' taking it for another spin around time. Nobody was at Birch Hill so I kept driving coming upon Ron & Chrissies. Every was there! Heidi, Chase Robert, Evie and Daniel. This family get-together was good. I devoured a serving of Cheese cake. on Josh stopped by with a smile and a new haircut! Later I came home and filled a bag of "dirty" laundry. More baseball.. the Yankees, Mets and other. My only consolation was a over-sized amount of Black Raspberry! Tomorrow will be another good August ."Monday-Monday!"


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