Friday, May 17, 2024


The Red Sox playing in St. Louis against the Cardinals evokes memories going back to 1962.It was there I arrived after a 33-hour Greyhound bus ride from Worcester did I began my life's journey. St. Louis has always meant baseball. Memories of World Series. l964, 1968 and 1987 takes me down my Memorie Lane. Today was long with going to Hannaford NB for food. not a big purchase says $53.00. Later in this Friday saw me travel to 53 Birch Hill at the invitation of Josh. I presented Maddie with a cash gift for her Confirmation. From there I traveled to the Legion where I enjoyed two hot dogs instead of my usual cheeseburger. Visits from Carol Slater and Jeff Nickerson rounded up my Friday. Tonight, the Red Sox play the Cardinals and trail the Cardinals 4-3 in the fifth. My day is done!



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