Wednesday, January 6, 2016


North Brookfield English teacher Anne Carey Murphy was the first to inspire me in the way of our English language. Mrs. Murphy could be dramatic at times to drive her point home. Cadaverous and slovenly were two words she emphasized and remain in my brain today. A great follow-up in inspiration was Mr. Frank Cooke. As a major at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, Frank emphasized the importance of proper diction and elocution. To me it stuck.

As soon as we open our mouths we reveal our whole persona. We hang our hats on words in our vocabulary. My next wave of inspiration came from philosopher and announcer the Late Earle Nightengale. I listen to Earle for years on his Insight tapes. He was right. Sister Jan is a big crossword puzzle player. Some people have crosswords with breakfast. I never went big for crosswords. Instead I became a wordsmith! I love learning new words. I wear out dictionaries and today I made a spectacular purchase at Barnes & Noble..

When I see a book that is going to help me I buy it. Period. Roget's Thesaurus of  Words for Intellectuals rings my doorbell. I just cannot put this book of 'synonyms, antonyms and Related Terms" blows me away. It is a refresher guide of over 400 pages of pure cream. These are "the best words to sound smart." As a seasoned BLOGGER I  best know what the score is. Mark Twain is quoted saying there's a lot of difference in twos word: lightening and lightening bug.

At any age you can improve your vocabulary. I am betting attention with my new business card portraying BLOG in a picture Ain't nobody as clever as my manifestation of my retiring years: Bob-the Blogger!

" My Google Apps' 2016 Second Edition intrigues me. Twenty-five bucks... I think so.
Like the auto mechanics of yesterday "you must have the tools' You've gotta cogitate on cerebral matters if you want to his home runs like Ken Griffey, Jr. did in his lifetime. Maybe someday I'll be in the Bloggers Hall of Fame?

In the mean time... in-between time my shades are drawn.

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