Okay, okay, I pulled part of the plug on Charter Communications. My land line of 508-867-3360 is now on my SmartPhone. My cordless phone has a new home at the Salvation Army. Deaccessioning stuff is fun ( fancy word used by museums to dump their excel holdings. "In the front door out the back in some cases".) I only need Charter in the night when I'm sleeping.
Cable TV came to the Brookfields in about 1989..1990. It was innovative.. Tiny dishes sprouted on rooftops to compete with Cable. Then all hell broke loose. a zillion channels, the Internet and th World Wide Web, SmartPhones and very smart automobiles like the 2016 line of fabulous Fords. The whole herd of Mustangs, Explorers and Fusions can escape in a spiffy new Ford escape. I know I am coming on strong but that's my style. Watch out. "Wink."
The communications world of 2016 is so revealing. I am aghast of what is being offered electronically. Son Benjamin has an E-Bay electronic auction every Friday night. Atta Boy.. Ben & Alli and "the baby makes three." Molly I don't know about.
This concept of "SHOPPING LOCAL" has merit and virtue. The plight of small businesses.. some eking out a living in some cases scares me. So many attempts to "go it alone" fail. I was a winner at age 35 determined to be an Independent Man. I put all of my eggs in one basket and found a hen to lay gold eggs. My January of 1980 brought me to the Moon.
I think consumers don't get enough credit nor do business owners. This concept of working is bullshit! everybody works hard. I see commuters go by daily...14,000 cars... hopefully Fords.. When I was credentialed to cover G.H.W.B. (Bushwacker) in NH this Japanese reporter remarked on how ambitious Americans really were. I never forgot his observation of folks commuting so early.
Back to Cable, my "Bundle" cost me a bundle. $140/ month plus.I have mitigated costs by at least as "sawbuck' $20 or two. Who needs it? This concept of reality in 2016 dictates CHANGE and not pocket change. We all must pare things down. Obviously we've gotta "live and love." Old attitudes and old possessions indicate our needs of a "mental shampoo.".. hair, or not..here today gone tomorrow.
Educate yourselves at any age. Be a hipster at Verizon or Staples, TJX, WalSmart or your local Ford Dealer... "Trade up young peoples." I get the message.....Say Good Night, Dick."! Pleasant dreams.
OK Google! LOL
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