Monday, January 11, 2016


 The only way I can save money IS TO SAVE MONEY! Yep, saving silver coins brings me back to the Fabulous Fifties when a silver dollar only cost a dollar. In the first 10a days of January I have squirreled away over $200 in coins. Random, routine coins of precious metal will be my way to save... again. But the kicker will be Self-Discipline. Stop spending and start saving. I have budget a monthly plan of saving $100 a month.

I have been told and I recently read "eating our is very expensive." Fast food or Slow food... "food is food." Sure it's nice to celebrate once in a while as long as we don't gorge. I see more FAT people in my travels. It's awful. I am very cognizant of what obesity will do... at any age.

As I see it, "Saving money is a predisposition." You blow it and you can be a gonner. I had a $600 car repair bill last month and relinquished six new hundred dollar bills and walked away with a "Paid In Full receipt." We just can not beat the system as we are the system... so why not begin a "Money Club?!

I deaccessioned a Grand Am full of goodies to the Salvation Army this morning and sent South 3 boxes of books and goodies to Son Ben and wife Allison in Belmont, NC. It is exciting to free of all this baggage  Never saw a $10 stamp before.  ."The Army" was most appreciative of my good stuff. Unloading out back behind the  former HODES Supermarket I noticed no less than 20 Televisions that had been "dumped" over the weekend. I must be way ahead of the curve with my big asp HDTV... too big/No. I then traveled to the Sturbridge triangle where dreams are made of...Walmart, Verizon, Staples and T J Maxx.

After resolving my HP Officejet Pro 8600..  Staples General Manager Scott, did a fine job is helping me. As the motto was "That Was Simple"....I know I'm simple when I discovered my printer was detached from my new HO All-in-One. I did buy a 14 pocket bill and receipt holder. Smart..very smart.. Simply stated I am a true Dummie. But that's okay. Then I went to Verizon to learn how to open the mini-door to plug in my JBL Pulse2. Again, DA.. But then the tide turned when I filled up with Southbridge Petro Max petrol for only $1.74 a gallon for regular.

Gas prices will go even lower. Beware! Cheap gasoline can give us "false courage".. in buying you know what. Commodity trading is for the imperious not us plain folks. Then to the RMV for a Plate replacement and an application for an E-ZPASS. Now is the time to latch onto 2016 with a transponder for my wheels. Visited with Maureen P and friend at the Flea Mart. Amazing lady full of happiness in her advancing years. Good role model.

 My return was over familiar Fiske Hill. Josh and Heidi briefly owned C. K. Knight's house a decade ago. I recall Jack Burnham having his famous "Steak Fry" each Summer at his Fiske Hill Farm. That's only 43 years ago when my older son came into the world. Our lives have wings..."The years teach us much what the days never knew' Emerson.

In closing I say "Keep On Trucking" and if you want, why not truck a load to the Salvation Army. Remember.. "More is less and Less is more.".. except for money. As Abba sings.."


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