What is going on? Nobody is reading my blog! I know, I know, snow with Patriotitis..BAD.
So jump into my one horse open sleigh and I will tell you about it... all 67 miles of Bad road..the MASSPIKE. I don't have to go to Indy or Charlotte Motor Speedway to drive 85 mph. I just go with the flow. I don't know if it's my BLOG tag or my derby hat or my 2003 "shitbox "Pontiac? All cars and trucks are absolutely created equal.
I drove to Boston to take care of some absolutely important Official Business." First I need a refill on my blood pressure pills...HYDROCHOTHIASIDE which I am told most OLD people take. Not to worry. My grandmother Ida died of a stroke at 60 and my Mother Rita almost made it to ninety-two. Sarah "Don't grow old" Potvin may have hit life's doorbell at 92. You see, we're "hot and cold." Me? Yes, I plan on living forever!
It took me 3 or 4 attempts to corner Dey with a refill. I screwed-up and brought the wrong white pill bottle. The most gracious pharmacist at Mass General with her new Apple Watch helped me.Today's amazing technology allows FAX scripts delivered to them instantaneously. Veni, Vidi Vicci.. however got me my drug for $1.00. How much do you pay?
My Chinese friend and lab technician drew several viles for Lithium analysis. I'm know the drill as I served Uncle Sam in the Army Medical Corps. I was surrounded by medics, doctors dentists, patients and malingerers in for their Procaine penicillin shots in their butts with a foot-long needle. They had the "drip" or the clap alright. The doctors were really pissed. Amazing, this thing called "War."
I did meet this most interesting Nor'eastern U. professor. We chatted about the good things in life which I will quote later on. I just love my job by "being myself." So many folks hide behind their pride, anger, indifference or arrogance. Me? "Popeye." I am what I am.
I hiked it over to the JFK Building. Yes, I know my way around the streets of Boston..."The Walking City." No cab ride today. My "Al Smith" brown derby was a hit as my Burberry plaid brown scarf. I only saw four of them around the necks of fashionable females of all ages. Then smiled when I recognized then and flashed my scarf. "Salvation Army, of course. I paid big bucks for my Macy's Christmas Scarf...enough to choke me and a medium sized horse. I don't do new clothes any more. Too much in Angel and the Salvation for people who give a ship.
Coming in and leaving Beantown I enjoyed Dusty Springfield. Her music is music to my ears. Seeing Dusty perform at Chequers Night Club with an Aussie girl was fabulous. Today, I have a CD of her hits and a copy of her obituary. I think it's time for a blog on "The Music & Songs of Dusty Springfield. When other soldiers went for "action" at Kings Cross I delighted I Dusty.
Doctor Greenberg just called with my lab results. "Just continue as you are." When asked how I felt I responded 'I am on top of the world!" Snow? What snow? I try not to do sensationalism any more. I am much too old to really give a ship. I am in good health and leave my doctors
Drug Store Clock |
Connecticut's Finest |
Thomas Edison's MP3 |
I was at her home on Martha's Vinyard 1994 |
Me.. Then and now LOL |
Neil Sadaka Sings |
Premiey Key..I saw him in Vung Tau 1967 |
Another Name For MASSPIKE |
The BeeGee who sang "Massachusetts"..RIP |
Bad News HUH? |
Oh Yea.. Just try and get a 7 digit tag in Mss. |
Just me feeling "Upside-down" |
No caption needed! |
Ditto |
Yep..."Rich and Famous" |
My Sheepskin to match my Dr. Grace sheepskin |
Ragged Hill |
Quabbin Ranger Bob |
do the worrying.
Massachusetts General Hospital is amazing. It's like my Vung Tau Dispensary revisited and I have been an out-patient since 2003. My life is good; my life is great. How is yours? Remember the most important angle in life is the TRIANGLE. Give up and you are
screwed! "Life does not require us to be the biggest or the best only that we
try." I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. We can achieve anything if we are
willing to give what it takes. I learned this in 1989 when the idiot building it went bankrupt. So, what did I do? I PULLED MY OWN BOOTSTRAPS....my Vietnam boots were on the ground.
And so it was... and so it is and so will be...life in the fast lane.
I am reading y'all ........every day!