Monday, January 11, 2016


I have to admit... I'm having the ball of my advancing years. Why? I keep my grey matter busy! My aches and pains are minimal because I think I know how to live with some passion. I am not like Arnold Schwarzenegger but who needs to be? At some his muscles with revert to fat.

If you don't have computer skills and are over 70 you may be in trouble. EVERYTHING today is run by computers... and yes our cranial  computers. While at STAPLES this morning a nice white-haired biddy pointed to her head when I showed her my key-chain plastic tag revealing the truth of my existence "BLOG." I know, I know I suppose I could be picking my nose, etc.

Senior Citizens must re-evaluate their lives. Maybe giving more of ourselves is in order? Use it or lose it....dementia's opponent is a faster pace in life. Keep going. I think our lives are being  redefined by all of the technologies... for the good and the not so good."Honor They Father and Mother" should hold true right to the end! If you do not have anybody.. get somebody. Reach out into the wilderness of the dark and generate some life.

Teach knitting... teach baking... teach eating. LL. You might not know but I taught English to Vietnamese in Vung Tau, South Vietnam hard on the South China Sea. I also employed my French in talking with an old timer from the days of Dien Bien Phu! A year in Vietnam in my fatigues  was my PhD to life. No matter where I turned there was an adventure for Bob. Who could be so lucky? I rolled the dice all the way and won.

If you remain busy in life you should remain reasonably healthy...BUT...once again, life is a gamble. Defy the odds in your lives. Think Health! Take up new hobbies. Hobbies can be very endearing to our spirits. Me? You got it. I predicted 40 years ago in essence what my life would be today. I just can't get enough happiness yet my cup runneth over.

"Hair Today...Gone Tomorrow." So what. Bald Is Beautiful" Fewer haircuts and only if you are totally vain and die your rug.. It doesn't matter. Excuse me ladies..."Grey is beautiful as is white." If you choose to die it.."only your hair dresser knows."

Well, okay, I guess I have rambled on enough on this cold Winter's night. I think I'll play my new boom box!

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