NB is a "mill town" of sorts. My forebears all raised big families, were practicing Catholics and were blessed with smart kids. LeDoux, Poulin, Potvin,Wine, they all have a resting place At St. Joseph's Cemetery on Bell Street.
Some "Fielders" left NB to go in the military, get married and few went off to college.
The wonderful Post Cards and digitized photos reveal our past. Now, I throw down the challenge of visiting the North Brookfield Historical Museum this season. Locate below Mac's TV repair Shop you can further reminisce the way North Brookfield was.
Temple's History of North Brookfield is a prize-winning tome. You can buy a reprint for about $60 at the museum. Also, take a ride up to Bell Hill Reservoir where the town's water supply is stored. Also, if the spirit moves you go down to apple blossoms at Brookfield Orchards.
Mosey around our hometown and hear Springsteen croon to bygone memories. I know I have blog readers both near and far. Buddy Small is in Nebraska and Nancy Donnelley is just down the road. Glory Wedge is down Cape Cod.
I am thrilled at the overwhelming positive response to the pictures posted so I will post some more. OK?
Yes, it is Spring and I'm loving it. My screens are in and vanilla ice cream is my ever loving tonic. What is your cup of tea?
Rufus Putnam Road, NB
Grove Street, NB - Razed.
N.B.H.S. & Methodist Church
Note the Iron Fence! Civil War Monument
St. Joseph Rectory & Convent Pleasant St. N.B.
Central Street, WB
Old Congo Church & Rice Fountain WB
Slab City Brickyard EB
West Brookfield Common at Miller's House Razed
Mount Wachusett Summit House Razed
American Antiquarian Society Worcester where photographs come from
NB Depot
Ray Blake
Bob 1998
My Maternal Grandmother Ida M. Ledoux
Grandfather J. Oscar Poulin C. 1916
Connie Mack
Connie Mack Day 1934
Hotel Burned.. c. 1928