Sunday, January 27, 2019


Today's trip to Connecticut was a total success! Being far enough removed from X-Mas Old Kemp-Nut and Pops did the town in a grand style. I reminisced about my 13 years with Aetna REALIZING IT TOOK A GREAT HEAP OF COURAGE to bite the bullet at age 34. Enuf. Corporate politics isn't for me!
Then after a bowl of clam chowder we headed for the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut. To say the least, we took our time understanding our past in radios and televisions and a million other support items everyone should see. Located at 115 Pierson Lane, Windsor,  860-683-2903.
While at the museum, low and behold, I struck up a conversation with a nice lady. "We own a radio station" was her entre' to a fortuitous interlude with her husband BRUCE MARSHAL General Manager of WARE 1250 AM and 97.7 FM.!
We even got to see "the back room" of this wonderful museum of radios, receivers, telephones, telegraphs, televisions and more. "Learn how communications technology has changed our lives." Open year round Thursday thru Sunday it will be great to take the who family. My sidekick "Joshua Kemp-Nut" devoured the tour!

Next stop was the New England Air Museum on the outskirts of Bradley Field, Windsor Locks. When you combine aeronautical history with military displays and actual aircraft one gets a real treat in seeing how imposing aircrafts-of war really are.
As we walked into the foyer my good friend Gould McIntyre was just leaving. Gould is a man of 93 years and a docent at this museum. As a commercial pilot for over 30 years it is a thrill to chat with Gould. He's the pilot that states "Charles A. Lindbergh was my passenger on three occasions!"..."and he was a good guy!
You see, Museum Hopping on the dark days of Winter can be fun! Take a trip to Hartford and Windsor and join in the fun! or call 860-623-3305.

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