Friday, January 11, 2019


Nobody really knows what goes on behind the closed doors of the Oval Office! Lady Bird Johnson is quoted as saying "Lyndon was a needed President!" We thought so for a while.

From president to president America seems to adjust to the Commander in Chief. LBJ like DRT had a massive ego. Essentially, the POTS wants to get his own way. Right!? The Mexican wall is no different. Nothing has been so controversial since the Vietnam debacle 50 years ago.

The big difference between LBJ and DRT is Johnson embraced the poor and downtrodden. Big Donald is at the opposite end of the spectrum
. The absurd fees he charges to be in his company really reveals matters.

Johnson enacted more legislation than folks realize. Trump has a niche of loyal supporters who espouse his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. How can he when his administration swims in controversy?

I was a soldier in Texas when Johnson was President. I liked his cowboy style. I emulated his style for years. There's something in a man that's a High roller! But look what happened to Mr. Johnson! In the end he gave away all his power, and died.. essentially in disgrace. Look at Nixon.. same thing.

The Presidency reveals the person.. both in office and thereafter. Presidents such as Jimmy Carter is to be praised with his Habitat for Humanity program. Trump lives in an Ivory Tower! As I see it the writing is on the wall but not the one in Trump's imagination!

Box 11
West Brookfield, MA
Funniest pix of LBJ and howling beagle!

LBJ Drives an Amphicar (so did I)

Cowboy Bob

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