Sunday, January 14, 2018


Today I spent my Sunday in Springfield with friend and U.S. Army brother, John B O'Sullivan. What a wonderful time. 'Johnny" called me last night at 8:30. His Irish brogue gives him away as he haild from County Kerry. We have successive Draft numbers..US51574050 and US 51574051! This guy is as real as they come.

We traveled to the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks at Bradley Field. It was a fun time. I even sat in a cockpit of a 707 and had a wonderful conversation with old Gould McIntye the 92 year old docent. Captain Gould flew the friendly skies of Pan AM for more than 30 years. The Sage of the Skies looks more like 72 than 92!

Sitting in the Co-Pilot's was a physician-turned-pilot. A sophisticated mind indeed.

O'Sullivan, Captain Gould , the doctor and I had fun listening and learning from Gould. We spoke if there were engine failure in the craft and what to do. "Training" is everything in learning how to fly a jet. I sat  in happiness as we went down "life's runway. "Our captain reminisces of the myriad moments of weather. Meteorology and the study comes second nature to pilots.

The concept of a thunderstorm and flying has always intrigued me. I used to ask kids.. "What weighs more, a thundercloud or a 747?"

Today's visit at the NEAM was in passing. John B. O'Sullivan brought up the Trade Union chatter with a "fire in his belly." It was contagious bringing us to the Red Rose Italian Restaurant in Springfield. Our repast proved to be cerebral in nature. We spoke of the plight of workers in Corporate America.

John has a friend by the name of "Burke" who represents the Bricklayers Union. We both agreed the immense need to protect the Little Guy and to stop free trade slavery. Our meeting was an epiphany broaching the topic of UNIONS. John B. behest me to study Mrs.. Murphy" and McGuire's Coal Strike for a beginning. This I will do. I am on a mission. Forget politics, this much more exciting. So my journey has begun.

Later I will reminisce my moments in the presence of Rev. Doctor Marin Luther King on the campus of Saint Louis University in my last semester in college in the Fall of 1964. Kind of amazing!

Happy Holiday!

Sincerely yours,

A blogger for all seasons!
Box 11
West Brookfield, MA 01585


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