Monday, November 20, 2017



Brookfields & Warren

November 27, 1963
Massasoit Hotel 

Spencer, MA

"I was deeply distressed and shocked with the assassination of our beloved President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who led the nation with courage and dignity. The news of this dastardly act has shocked the American people  and those of the world. He died like a soldier in the battle he waged.. His passing is  great loss to Massachusetts, the Nation and the World.

I have lost a personal friend whom I came to know in 1952 when he as a Congressman was seeking a seat in the United States Senate from Massachusetts and I served as a coordinator for him in this area.

He visited Spencer in 1958 with his wife Jacqueline when campaigning for re-election to the Senate. It was a proud day for me when I could cast a vote for re-election to the Senate for the Presidential nomination at the Convention at Los Angeles.

I have many mementos of my close personal relation with Jack Kennedy and value these very much.

After his election and before his Inauguration , JFK came  to the House of Representatives on Bacon Hill and delivered and address (City on a Hill)
 As he came down the aisle to the Chamber he stepped over to speak with me and we shook hands. I have a picture of this and value it very much.

I was also a guest at his Hyannis Port home a few years ago and have pictures of the occasion. with him and Jacqueline.

I had plans to visit Washington and the White House and talked with his brother Senator Edward M. Kennedy about a visit and he told me he would arrange when I was ready but of course that is now in the past.

 My last meeting with  the late Presidential was on October 19 at thee  at the All New England Salute Dinner to President John F. Kennedy in Boston. JFK graciously autographed my program "To my friend, , John F.  Kennedy."

When the news came in Friday I was so upset that I couldn't
concentrate on anything. I was trying to do and just quit and watched the news from that time until 1:00 a.m. Constituents called me on the phone all day  and evening and many dropped in with tears in their eyes.

President Kennedy had the personal affection of the American people regardless of their political affiliation.

The state, nation, and the world have lost a true friend, benefactor and public servant. Along with the people of all nations I mourn the loss of this great American whose friendship I have valued  and will cherish

The people of the Fourth Worcester Representative District join me in extending to Mrs. Kennedy, the children and all the Kennedy family of our deepest sympathy and prayers. God grant him peace."


Philip A. Quinn

NB  This letter is copywrite  2017  BOB POTVIN BLOGGER and may be used only by my permission. Bob Potvin Box 11, W. Brookfield, MA 508-867-3360 8:AM - 8:oo Am  8 PM.

Photo by J. Irving England

1 comment:

  1. I was invited, but declined because I was a Smith/McCormick Democrat like my paternal relatives. Five years later I saw him off in DC on November 24, 1963.
