White-haired Bernie Sanders socked it to the Trumpster in a speech from Rochester, MN. Mr. Sanders, in his stolid delivery of truisms before what appeared to be a younger crowd went on, and on, and on. His pointed fingers and avuncular style revealed a mist like a March shower in late February to the attentive world around him.
Many don't know Bernie Sanders is Jewish. So what. At age 74, I listened to wisdom. He's a Vermonter born in Brooklyn, NY, and has keen insights to the System no other candidate may know. He slams Wall Street, big drug companies as well as insurance companies. He's plausible in his quest for the Nation's highest office: The Presidency.
It was surprising for Bernie Sanders to save his thunder until the end of his speech. Boy, did he slam Donald Trump and all Trump stands for. Mr. Sanders showed his fire in his belly which means he really wants the Presidency. Does Bernie Sanders have a chance of winning? A definite maybe.
Voters had a prime time viewing of Uncle Bernie. He is the antithesis of Donald Trump.
Maybe this Saturday Night Live - live broadcast will solidify folks who don't know a lot about "Colonel Sanders." He even looks like the colonel. I can identify with his message as I am hardly a rich man...da.da.da da.da and I'm no fiddler on the roof.
Tonight's hallmark speech can turn Bernie Sander's position. As I said, his candidacy for President is revealed for real. Don't forget to vote on Tuesday... and the race is on!
Unfortunately Mr. Sanders could win. He believes that the government has a large pile of money and it's not being shared properly. He promises a lot of free stuff because he has no clue about a free market economy, never having done an honest day's work.