Monday, February 22, 2016


Remember the pop song "Get a Job?" Well, today's NY Times features a great story on today's jobs for college graduates. Fifty-one years ago I started with Aetna Life & Casualty, Hartford, at an annual salary of $5,600 plus a spiffy new Chevrolet Bel-Air and an expense account. Man, I was 22 and rich. My college loans from National Defense and Worcester County Trust Co. totaled less than two grand. I was very rich.. rich in youth and rich in spirit.

My sons, Ben and Josh were "given" an education at Seton Hall University. Today they raise families in great insurance jobs.

A new phrase I read is STEM education...STEM fields - science. This is very interesting. A 2016 Bachelor's degree will pay : engineering $64,900! computer science $61,300..Math and science $55,100.  Business  $52,200.

Now these figures may sound astounding but more astonishing is the individual DEBT.

On the list of jobs published, Education pays the least at $34,900.. but then again, don't teachers work half a year?

Regardless of jobs secured, the interview can be most revealing .Forget the grades. If you have a sheepskin you're in. So how do you get a job? 1. Get lucky. 2. Prepare by having your parents, grandparents of friends coach you. It worked for me; it can work for you! You are young and you must hustle in your job search. Networking is good. State employment agencies can help as long as you help yourself.

Interviews are everything., Enthusiasm, eye contact, sit up straight and lean forward. Gesture. Your appearance probably should be conservative. Listen more than you speak.Have a smile in your voice!

Emphasize you as a "team player" and want a challenging job. This can apply to any age. Send a thank you note to the interviewer. It's like getting married; give it your best shot and go for the gold. There's nothing like gaining your independence! Forget the naysayers." You Can If You Think You Can!"
"Money will be the harvest of your production!"

Meet me in Saint Louie

II Said.."just do it, damn it" LOL

Where are you going in your life?

1964 and before  Silver coins

Bob Potvin  Chief Blogger


  1. Most engineering jobs nowadays require more than a degree. They require the demonstrated ability to create profitable products. The resume should be all about accomplishments, not potential. Even for first-time employees, the resume should promote accomplishments, even High School Science Fair accomplishents. Potential employers want people who can do things, not just "team players." Teamwork allows one to spread the blame for failed projects. It is really not all that important if you never fail.

    Once you get an interview, the company has already decided that you can do the job. The interview only determines if you can "fit" into the company culture. I quote Abraham Lincoln, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt." Let the interviewer do the talking, let the interviewer be the sales person, selling the company to you.

    After the interview is over, ask for the job. Do it like "I sure would like to work here!"

  2. The master has spoken! Thanks Mr. Tesla.

  3. Teachers work 10 months.....6 months = half a year
