Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Comments noted as posted by "Ozone" and Mike. It is what is. All others pay cash!

The perfunctory ways of my computer upsets me.
 When I thought I was doing the right thing, the quagmire of deception prevails with an inundation of ads grow on me like a rash. Ad Blocking plus proved to be a minus. I traveled to Staples for my "free" ream of  computer paper and advice from Roland. Alternatively I traveled across the street to MARSHAL'S.

Jessica, Jessica, and  Mary's warmth and friendship made me feel good as does a new Indian Madras shirt. "Tailor Vintage" reminds me of a Madras sport coat I owned in 1962 at age 20. There's something special about Madras and surely the price! I had a rewards chit for $10 reducing my cost to $15. Such a deal! LOL.

It was sister Jan's birthday and my unannounced visit was heralded with happiness. Debbie, Megan Ray and Josh added to the banter of the occasion. Time marches on and to enjoy family is extremely rewarding. Sister Jan is two years ahead me. but to see millennials in action awakens me to our world of tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, snowflakes have changed the spirit of an early Spring. It is still February and I shall finish by eating some Garelick cottage cheese and licking my chops.

Tomorrow is my monthly Social Security party. Things look good to be operating in the black.And how was your Ruby Tuesday? Was it 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?'






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