Saturday, September 28, 2024


First I watched a review of Bush 43. It inspired me to review Bush 43 as my pen-pal. I sent him a Holy Cross postcard and he wrote back telling of his recalled playing baseball on Fitton Field. My story was featured on Linn's Stamp Monthly.. "My Presidential Success!"  Next I reviewed a blog entitled "Going On Your Own" Dated January 22, 2009. The content of this blog reviewing how I quit "Mother Aetna" and wanted to be my own boss. "Nobody quits a Class thirty=two job" I was told. "I did was my retort!" Transformation to being my own boss took courage.  It took time and eventually we moved back to West Brookfield. Son's Ben and Josh were 6 and 4 at the time. The boys played " stick ball". I founded Blair House Antiques and was on my way. It seems everything was gong my way because I had the necessary courage to make the move. In restoring the Blair House neighbor  Ray Bennett  said 'Bob, you accomplished the impossible!" Old "Flexible" was my main man. Today, the Blair House has never looked better! This Saturday has truly been one of inspiration!


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