Thursday, September 19, 2024


 This is about an incredible adventure I experienced as a student in college. In the Spring OF 1963 I was visiting a smoke shop right off campus of St. Louis University. Lou Marcus was the owner and my friend. On this particular night a man drove up the store entry on Olive Street and yelled to Lou for some cigarettes. I was there and took them to Doctor Sauer. Lou knew him as he was a professor in the SLU Medical School. I was intrigued with the car he was driving. The little car was a boat! I showed further interest in the machine and was invited to drive the car. I immediately drove over the the SLU campus two blocks away. I ran into Clemens Hall dorm and grabbed my friend Frank Tencza. I assured him he "would enjoy the ride" First we drove to Gaslight Square. This was a recreated village of pubs and Dixieland bands in Old St. Louis. Kind of like a Riverboat scene in movies.  Doctor Sauer was pitching down the Scotch whiskeys while Frank and I drank Cokes. I wasn't satisfied in just driving the Amphicar around the City of St. Louis., so I asked "How does this go in water? "Now the Mississippi River is about 2 miles of the East of the college campus. Doctor exclaimed "Drive it down to the River!" I did. Now the Mississippi River  is about two miles east of the college campus. Today the famed Gateway Arch decorates the riverfront. I daringly drove the car/boat to river's edge. I pushed the lever forward and I could hear the twin propellors whirling! The next thing I  knew I was on the Mississippi River! Incredible! The three of us were without safety devices. Tencza was to my right and Dr. Sauer was "out cold" in the back seat. I "fogged" the throttle and began heading for the shores across the river in Illinois! The rushing waters didn't bother me. I kept feeling the base of the doors for leaking water. When I drove towards the middle of the Mississippi  Rivera bright search light panned my path. I thought "I've had it!" I kept moving East until I hit the shore. Unlike the levee of St. Louis with red bricks, I landed in Mississippi mud! Four wheels were buried up to the hubs Now what? I thought quick and retrieved some driftwood from the shore. Frank and I built up the wheels with wood and were able the little boat/car to higher grounds. I found a road that leads towards the bridge to St. Louis. In the meantime Dr. Sauer had the big idea he wanted to drive the car and grabbed the wheel. I stopped the car and the commotion attracted neighbors. They called the cops. When the East St. Louis  police arrived they said " Dr. Sauer what are you doing here?" Long story short, the good Dr. Sauer paid our cab fare back to campus. We got home about 4:00 AM.! Today, Amphicars  are true collectibles  with less than 4,000 made .It was a German import to the USA. LBJ had one on his ranch. I saw one performing on the waters of Lake Lashaway. It's the only commercial amphibious made and I had the "pleasure" of driving one across the Mississippi River! VERITAS!


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