Monday, September 16, 2024


My approach in adjusting to the SAD. which  means going to be  later! Instead of a 8:30-9:00 it will be after 9:30. Adjusting will be easy as the Pennant Race will bring the leaders to my HDTV! This Monday saw lots of activities. I had Josh on my mind for a lift  to the VA for a blood draw. He did show up in Lily P's VW which brought a smile to both of us. The blood draw was usual along with a urine analysis. The results should come in a few days. My latest kick is researching my former employer: AETNA.As I receive a small check each month in retirement My job now is to connect with Karen Lynch, CEO of CVS. I'll call for a copy of her book. Earlier, before Josh's arrival I filled all pills in the CADY. Let's see how all adjustments for a better night's sleep works? And how are you sleeping?!


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