Saturday, March 10, 2018


My first attempt I hit the wrong key and my blog is "toast. So, of you don't succeed the first time YOU ARE ABOUT AVERAGE!

Your Soldier of The Month 1967 Vietnam
The Brookfields are truly historic as well as progressive. I find North South East and West afford something for everybody. Farms are few yet the agrarian flavor of it spell happiness for most residents. Commuters head in all four directions to work each day from Worcester to Westfield and beyond. Our coveted central location is great. The Pike , cross-country is a breeze. Once you exit from Palmer or Sturbridge the "road less traveled" is yours.
Brookfield Center  1903  AAS

"No number  Number Plate"

NB Postal Workers from the 50s

Smell the Lilacs!

North Brookfield Center 1903 Wohlbruc Photo  AAS
The truth about the Brookfields are not a known quantity. Damn few Bostonians don'

The Brookfields, YES!

t have a clue of our whereabouts. I always use "Sturbridge" as a reference point.

Lucy Stone and Connie Mack and George M. Cohan are bright stars in our past. Somebody should have a Tour Bus pointing out all the landmarks from Rock Hurst to the Quaboag River. The Brookfields never grow stale to me. From sunrises to sunsets one gets a visceral feel to Mother Nature.

And on  another note I heard today DOLLAR GENERAL is taking applications for a new manager! Interested? How are your managerial and organizational skills? Check  the opportunity!

Finally, the Brookfields are doable in commuting from all major cities. I know folks who travel to Springfield, Amherst, Worcester Boston and more.

March  Madness is in full gear with the Big East Finals tomorrow afternoon before the NCAA Selection Committee airs the choices. GO PIRATES!

So my friends, Hang In There.

Yours truly,

"Your Blogger from the West!"
Box 11
West Brookfield, MA 01585

508-867-3360 Anytime

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