Thursday, June 27, 2024


 My Thursday has been a busy one! First, I replenished 7 days of pills in the pill cady. Next a call to my sister Jan getting caught up on family. We agreed another visit to The Clam Box for a meal was in order. Getting mail was a big too-do. My July copy of the Main Antique Digest provided me a review of the antique business 2024 continues to amaze me with prices realized. Took the Allante' for some gasoline then for a review of New Braintree. Drove 17 miles reviewing places still near and dear to me. The Late Deny Long's farm is for sale! Earlier I spoke with Josh and saw Chas Robert's Jeep in my rear-view mirror as he headed for Birch Hill. Friday will be interesting obtaining balances at NBSB and heading for the Legion again. Now I'll post my blog and tune-in for the debate!


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