Sunday, February 16, 2025


 It has been a day of snow; rain then snow again! Ronnie M plowed my driveway early then Josh came by making sure everything was fine. I did watch Joel Osteen before going for the New York Sunday Times. It seems Josh had other things on his mind and proceeded to review my entire closet of clothes. With Josh it's easy: Do you wear it, do you want it? Tomorrow is a Holiday in America. Recently Josh asked me about my desire to be President! It all goes back to collecting U.S. stamps and the Presidential Series of 1938.Since then, I have studied, reviewed, and studied the presidents again and again. The topic never gets boring. The favorite stamp is Scots #534 $5.00 Calvin Coolidge. So, if you are looking for something that inspires you. Collect U. S. Stamps. In the meantime, get ready for more snow. Happy Presidents Day

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